'Zwigato' movie to have 6 or more IMDB ratings at 6 PM on 23 March?

'Zwigato' movie to have 6 or more IMDB ratings at 6 PM on 23 March?

1.7K Trades
About the event
Source of Truth
Trading started on
13 Mar, 2023
Event expires on
23 Mar, 2023
Event Overview & Statistics
Zwigato is an upcoming 2023 Indian Hindi-language drama film directed by Nandita Das. The film is produced by Applause Entertainment and Nandita Das Initiatives. The film presents a story of the relentlessness of life. Kapil Sharma and Shahana Goswami star as the leads in the fil...Read More
Time : The event will expire at 6 PM on 23 March 2023. Settlement: This event will be settled within 24 hours of expiration. Rule: The rating at 6 PM on 23 March 2023 will be considered. If the Movie has 6 or more IMDB rating then the event will be closed at "Yes"