Will UPI transaction value be ₹13 lakh crore or more in March?

Will UPI transaction value be ₹13 lakh crore or more in March?

2.8K Trades
About the event
Source of Truth
Trading started on
03 Mar, 2023
Event expires on
06 Apr, 2023
Event Overview & Statistics
Value of Transactions in January - ₹ 12,35,846.62 Cr. Payments transactions via the UPI (Unified Payments Interface) network fell in February 2023 after touching a peak in January 2023 and rising for seven straight months The value of UPI transactions fell 4.9 per cent in Febru...Read More
TIME - This event will expire at 12 PM on 05 April, or before if the data is available. SETTLEMENT - The event will be settled within 48 hours of expiry.