Will the opening price of share of Tesla be $192.75 or more on March 28?

Will the opening price of share of Tesla be $192.75 or more on March 28?

About the event
Source of Truth
Trading started on
28 Mar, 2023
Event expires on
28 Mar, 2023
Event Overview & Statistics
Tesla designs and manufactures electric vehicles (electric cars and trucks), battery energy storage from home to hi grid-scale, solar panels and solar roof tiles. Tesla's shares are listed on NASDAQ Stock Exchange, U.S.A. Share price of Tesla at 9:00 AM (IST) on March 28 - $191.8...Read More
TIME - The event will expire at 7 PM on 28 March SETTLEMENT - The will be settled within the 24 hours after expiry time of event. RULE - No/post market close price will be considered for this event. Price displayed on Trading view won't be considered for the evaluation of this ev...Read More