Taylor Fritz to win the match against Holger Vitus Nodskov Rune?

Taylor Fritz to win the match against Holger Vitus Nodskov Rune?

About the event
Source of Truth
Google match center
Trading started on
28 Mar, 2023
Event expires on
30 Mar, 2023
Event Overview & Statistics
H2H (Last 5 Games): 0 games won by Taylor Fritz, 0 games won by Holger Vitus Nodskov Rune. (Last 5 matches): Taylor Fritz - W W L W W | Holger Vitus Nodskov Rune - W W L W L.
The event expires at the end of the match. The event settles at Yes if the player mentioned above wins the match. The event settles at No if the player mentioned above loses the match. The event settles in favour of the player advancing to the next round in case of Walkover.