National employment rate to be 92.60% or more by June 30 ?

National employment rate to be 92.60% or more by June 30 ?

220 Trades
About the event
Source of Truth
Trading started on
01 Jun, 2023
Event expires on
01 Jul, 2023
Event Overview & Statistics
On May 30, National Unemployment Rate is 7.6%, therefore the employment rate was 92.40% The Unemployment rate decreased to 7.6% in May from 8.11% in April. Employment rate will be calculated as 100-unemployement rate of the month
TIME - The event will expire at 1:30 AM on July 1 or earlier if the rate touches 92.60% SETTLEMENT - The event will be settled within 24 hours of expiry . RULES - We will consider two digits after the decimal.