India rank to 126 or higher in the World Happiness Index 2024?

India rank to 126 or higher in the World Happiness Index 2024?

About the event
Source of Truth
Official World Happiness Index report 2024
Trading started on
22 Feb, 2024
Event expires on
20 Mar, 2024
Event Overview & Statistics
The World Happiness Index is a report that publishes the information ranking of countries based on the happiness of people living in that country. It is published by the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network. SDSN (Sustainable Development Solutions Network) annually releas...Read More
TIME: The event will be closed at 11:59 PM on 31 March 2024 IST or earlier if announcements are made. The event will be extended in case the report is delayed. SETTLEMENT: The event will be settled as per the availability of the news. RULES: The event will be closed as per offici...Read More