Erling Haaland to score a goal in the match against Manchester United?

Erling Haaland to score a goal in the match against Manchester United?

1.0K Trades
About the event
Source of Truth
Google match center
Trading started on
30 May, 2023
Event expires on
03 Jun, 2023
Event Overview & Statistics
Erling Haaland current season: goals -3 | shot_on_target-5 Based on 5: total goals- 3 | avg. goals: 0.6 shot on target-5 | Chances created :5 Against Manchester United : goal scored :na
If the player is not in the match squad, the event expires and settles at NO when the squad is announced.The event expires at full-time or when the above-mentioned player scores a goal in the match (whichever is earlier).If the above mentioned player scores a goal in the match, t...Read More