Dow Jones to reach 28,000 or lower by December 2023?

Dow Jones to reach 28,000 or lower by December 2023?

8.8K Trades
About the event
Source of Truth
Trading started on
22 Mar, 2023
Event expires on
01 Jan, 2024
Event Overview & Statistics
The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), Dow Jones, is a price-weighted measurement stock market index of 30 prominent companies listed on stock exchanges in the United States New York Stock Exchange. It is basically Sensex of the US. The 52-week low of 28,666.77 was made on Se...Read More
EVENT- The event will expire on 30th December 1:29 AM, or before if the value given in the question is reached SETTLEMENT-The event will be settled within 24 hours of expiry. RULE - The value of DJIA till 29th December 2023 in US Markets will be considered for this event